Saline County Illinois Chooses DEVNET Edge® Property Tax Administration System

DEVNET is pleased that Saline County, Illinois is the 53rd Illinois County to choose the DEVNET Edge® solutions and services. The county after careful review has decided to contract with DEVNET for the fully integrated Illinois DEVNET Edge® Property Tax Software System which includes Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA), Assessment Administration, Billing & Collection, wEdge e-government and Tax Bill Printing & Mailing services.

Saline County is located in the Southern portion of Illinois and is known  as “The Gateway to the Shawnee National Forest.”  The county seat is Harrisburg.  Saline County is rich in coal, gas, and oil, and recreational areas, as well as being home to many farms.

Danny Ragan, Saline County Treasurer and Collector goes on to say, “We have not had a tax software and systems upgrade for ten years.  We began looking for the most up to date systems and asking other Illinois counties which software they used.  The ones who used DEVNET, were overwhelming in their satisfaction of the system and great technical support provided by them.  The county has contracted for new equipment and state of the art software for less money than we are paying our current vendor.  We look forward to having a more user friendly and accurate tax process through our long term partnership with DEVNET.”

Michael Gentry, President of DEVNET adds, “DEVNET is pleased to have Saline County join our growing DEVNET family of jurisdictions. We are both honored and humbled that they will be the 53rd Illinois County to realize the benefits of implementing the complete Illinois DEVNET Edge® Property Tax Solutions. The county will be saving money and modernizing their property tax offerings, creating efficiency in their office and providing better government to the taxpayers. We are more than pleased to work with the county on this important implementation.”

DEVNET has become the leading Property Tax Software provider in the State of Illinois serving 53 of the 102 Counties. DEVNET offers proven industry knowledge and experience implementing integrated Appraisal, Assessment, Billing, Collection and e-government solutions designed to empower the public sector user. We have dedicated ourselves to taking a unique, personalized approach with every client and have quickly become a leading nationwide provider of integrated government solutions. Our focus is on integration, enhanced workflow and all inclusive pricing. With 100 installations, DEVNET solutions value and collect for over 3.5 million parcels throughout eight states. Our integrated DEVNET Edge® solutions provide endless possibilities to enhance workflow, boost productivity and manage time more effectively.

The full suite of integrated DEVNET Edge® Property Tax Solutions include Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA), Assessment Administration, Billing & Collection, Tax Claims, Remote Collection, Permitting & Zoning, Records Management, wEdge e-government, Printing & Mailing Services, Hardware Sales & Support and GIS Integration.