DEVNET is in Jefferson City, Missouri this week attending the Missouri County Collectors Association (MCCA) Conference, April 21-23rd. Please visit the DEVNET booth to learn more about our leading Property Tax software and services. DEVNET serves twenty Missouri Counties and growing and is recognized as a Missouri State Certified software provider. While visiting the DEVNET booth, sign up for your chance to win a Bose Bluetooth Speaker.
Join the DEVNET Breakout Session
Please join our breakout session Wednesday, April 22nd from 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m in the Kansas City room of the Capitol Plaza hotel to learn more about the DEVNET integrated Real Estate and Personal Property software and services. We will be hosting a continental breakfast and look forward to the opportunity to meet with current clients and prospects.
About DEVNET Inc.
With 18 years of proven industry knowledge and over 100 installations throughout the United States and Canada, DEVNET offers integrated end-to-end Appraisal, Assessment, Billing, Collection, and e-government solutions designed to empower local government public sector users. Our solutions value and collect for over 4.5 million parcels, and we dedicate ourselves to creating a customized, personal experience for each client location. Edge™ is the solution to make your operation more efficient and productive. Visit