DEVNET is pleased to announce that Bucks County, PA has selected the DEVNET Edge® Tax Claims solution.
After careful consideration of all proposals in a formal bidding process, Bucks County Tax Claims Bureau Director, Marguerite C. Genesio and Bucks County Commissioners have decided to implement the DEVNET Edge® Tax Claims solution.
The County of Bucks is a Class 2A County and the fourth largest county in Pennsylvania with approximately 235,000 parcels. The Tax Claim Bureau (TCB) is authorized to collect delinquent real estate taxes according to Pennsylvania Real Estate Tax Sale Law (1947) exclusively. The TCB provides for the efficient collection of delinquent real estate taxes and the return of properties to the tax rolls. Each year, the TCB receives and distributes approximately $38 million in taxes to the County, 54 townships and boroughs, and 13 school districts. The Bureau receives over 9,000 liens each year. The Bureau maintains correspondence with the public regarding all real estate tax liens.
“We are looking forward to working with DEVNET,” says Marguerite. Their new software system will bring us into the 21st century and will allow us to further increase our service level to our taxpayer’s, taxing authorities and commercial entities. We in Bucks pride ourselves on our 99% collection rate and on providing the best possible service. I expect that DEVNET’s program will enable us to continue and expand potential for even greater results.”
Michael Gentry, President of DEVNET adds, “We welcome Bucks County. The DEVNET Edge® Tax Claims solution will allow the TCB to streamline the collection of delinquent real estate taxes and will provide greater access to the taxpayers through the wEdge Tax Claims e-government solution. We look forward to working with the TCB on this important implementation.”
DEVNET offers proven industry knowledge and experience implementing integrated Appraisal, Assessment, Billing, Collection, Tax Claims and e-government solutions designed to empower the public sector user. We have dedicated ourselves to taking a unique, personalized approach with every client and have quickly become a leading nationwide provider of integrated government solutions. With over 100 installations, DEVNET solutions value and collect for over 3.5 million parcels throughout eight states. Our integrated DEVNET Edge® solutions provide endless possibilities to enhance workflow boost productivity and manage time more effectively.
The full suite of integrated DEVNET Edge® Property Tax Solutions include Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA), Assessment Administration, Billing & Collection, Tax Claims, Permitting & Zoning, Records Management, wEdge e-government, Printing & Mailing Services, Hardware Sales & Support and GIS Integration.